Monday, May 18, 2009

Jehovah's Witnesses Everywhere!

Friday, May 8, 2009

update from Mexico!

Interesting news about how the brothers are coping with the Swine Flu epidemic.

Thanks to Brother Keith Neal of the English Congregation in Querétaro, México, who sent me the following:********************************************************April 28, 2009Good day brothers, as one brother said this is a good day to serve Jehovah! Keith Neal serving in Mexico , Queretaro Ingles congregation.Some friends have asked how are we doing with the out break of this Swine flu. Certainly these are critical times; epidemic in Mexico and a earthquake one right after the other, what else do you need to see the composite sign of Jesus!Our Circuit overseer and the Mexican Branch have instructed us; contingent on the Mexican officials.Congregation Meetings: In view that the local Authorities have restricted public meetings, the Branch is recommending to hold the Congregation Bible Study, Theocratic Ministry School , Service Meeting, and The Watchtower study as a family at home. This will be in addition to the Family worship arrangement. No congregation Meetings will be held at the Kingdom Hall until May 10th.Field Service: You can engage in informal witnessing, telephone witnessing, letter writing, return visits and Bible studies. Publishers need to call in advance to their students asking if it is possible to have the study, making sure that there is no one sick at home. The Branch is suggesting to wear surgical masks (or the type of mask that is locally recommended) and to follow all the recommendations given by the local health authorities.Thank you for your support to the Brothers. You are certainly proving to be "a hiding place from the wind" - Isa. 32:1, 2.Subsequently we are doing fine, the streets of Queretaro are empty. This something that is not normal, the streets are usual filled with people and traffic. Queretaro houses about 1.5 million persons and about two hours from Mexico city that has about 22 million persons. You can get your ministry on there right? But this week the streets are clear. But we are ready, we have a good program of letter writing and telephone witnessing in finding English speaking persons. So our ministry goes on. Donna and I are setting up for this evening to have our meeting in our home as suggested.. We will not miss out on the spiritual food. One other thing, this is why we need to follow the Society's direction on Disaster Preparedness, we don't know what can happen.So now I have to run out to the grocery store.Phili'a, Keith Neal , Queretaro Mexico .********************************************************Agápe,Brother Tomás HackettNew Carrollton (Spanish) CongregationMaryland , USA


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Wednesday, May 6, 2009