Thursday, October 1, 2009


So, my Dr has been giving me Estrogen shots...and I'm period-less! WOOOOOT!!!!!!!! I feel like I should anounce it "Hi, my name is Stephanie, and I've been period-free for ***"

"Hi Stephanie!"


But seriously, I need to thank everyone who has been such a MAJOR SUPPORT!

Side effects? The estrogen makes me all girly & gooey inside. I've cried over the stupidest things ('oh my God it's almost WINTER!'), Legit things ('Mother, if you don't get the antibiotic-YOU ARE GOING TO DIE!!!'...ok so I was a bit dramatic there), and wierd things ('That episode of HOUSE was fantastic).

These crying spells don't last long, because I pull myself together, and watch some manly WAR movie. That and Zoloft (!!!) lol.

Today was very interesting though, because I was to administer shot to self.....MY BUTT HURTS. I stuck myself several times before I got it right!!!


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey mama I just started readin my emails again I just got my computer again. Great to hear the great news. Your pic is beautiful and website. Lone minerva